A Storm of Swords
A Storm of Swords is by far the best installment of A Song of Ice and Fire so far. There is so much that happens in the second half of the book that it becomes extremely hard to put down. It is a bit slow in the first half, but that’s only because it is building up for the completely amazing and event filled second half. Again, all I can say about Martin is that he is not afraid to kill anyone. I’m very afraid for the future of my favourite characters. Who are still Ayra, Dany, and Tyrion. How can I not love these characters? Ayra is just an awesome girl who is very determined and not afraid to get her hands dirty. I can’t help but feel bad for her though at times. Dany is the Mother of Dragons and is freeing slaves, how can you hate her for that? And Tyrion is just so sarcastic and amusing. One of the few decent Lannisters. We have been introduce to Jaime as a PoV in this book and its very interesting to see how there is more to him.
So once again there is a lot going on. There are a few moments that had me WTFing, even though this was a reread for me. I still was shocked for a few of the scenes and the brutality of them. But I can see the necessity of them. I’m always happy to read about Joffrey’s wedding of course, although some of results of the wedding do make me a bit sad.
Overall it’s a great addition to the series that will keep you reading, break your heart and make you giddy. I wanted to immediately dive into the next book, A Feast of Crows, but since I’m reading these for a read-a-long I had to restrain myself. All I can say is that if you are looking for a great fantasy series, and can get past a few brothels and questionable relationships, this is a series for you. There are characters you can just sit and root for and ones you’ll hate. The books are very unpredictable, for me at least and I’m very much looking forward to seeing what happens next!