I really wasn't sure what to expect going into Glitch. I'd heard good things about it, it sounded like something I would enjoy from the synopsis. What I wasn't expecting was that I would love it so much! I picked up this book the other night and sat there and read half of it. Even though I knew I had to go to bed since I worked the next day. I couldn't help it and eventually had to force myself to put it down. I really enjoy the writing style of Heather Anastasiu and am looking forward to reading more from her. This book is fairly past paced and is exciting and nerve wrecking at the same time. I was always worried for Zoe and her friends and that they would get caught.Basically, this is another dystopia (what else can you really expect from me??) and it was just a little bit more shocking to me than other ones because people can't even think for themselves. They have been implanted with V-chips, a chip that connects them to the Link network and keeps them completely emotionless. There is no anger, jealousy, sadness. But there is also no happiness or pleasure. People are basically walking drones who go about their assigned duties with no questions asked. Maybe there are other similar dystopias out there, but none that I've read yet. Then, as Zoe discovers, some of the younger generations are glitching, their bodies have evolved to fight the V-chip, resulting in powers of "gifts". After being exposed to emotions, Zoe has to hide her feelings until she can escape, if she's caught she could be "deactivated" (killed).I really like Zoel (Zoe) as a character. She's a bit naive, but she's never had emotions before, so it's completely understandable. She never even had choices. So after a taste of what's out there, it's no wonder she doesn't want to give it up. She finds relief inf finding another "glitcher" in Max, one of her schoolmates. She's not alone anymore. Then there is Adrien, the boy who gives her hope that she might be able to escape and help others become free of the link.So there is a bit of a love triangle, but it kind of works for this book. Since Zoe is so new to emotions, it's pretty easy for her to be manipulated. I like Adrien because he seems more sincere in his feelings for Zoe. He really cares for her, even if she can't remember at first how she felt about him. Max just creeps me out and I had a bad feeling about him the whole time. All he seemed to want was "pleasures", and was extremely jealous and controlling and possessive of Zoe. But he was Zoe's first friend, so she is easily manipulated by him.All in all, Glitch is an excellent read. It's a really great debut novel and I'm definitely looking forward to more of the story. I loved it, so I'm definitely recommending this one to you!