So many different feelings while reading this one. I did love it though. I can’t believe I just read the first three books in three days. I mean, they aren’t small books. Each one is 400+ pages, so bigger than the average YA book. And yet, I loved every minute of each one. I’m really not sure how Cassandra Clare has managed to pull me so deeply into each of her books that I’ve read, but she does. Now, I’m actually going to stop here for now and NOT read the next book, even though I have it. Only for now mind you. I’m going to wait until the last book of the series to come out and then read the last three books. I feel like City of Glass left off in a good spot. Most likely because it was supposed to be the end of the series originally. So rather than read the next two books and have to deal with a cliffhanger, I’m going to save them for now.A lot happens in this book and it takes place in Idris, the Shadowhunter’s country. It really sounds like a beautiful place. There are new characters of course and I will say right now that I did NOT trust Sebastian for a second! I didn’t like him at all. Jace didn’t like him either and that was good enough for me. I did figure it out before the big “reveal” for him who he really was though, a bit too much foreshadowing. But in a good way because then I was all for Jace again.Clary finally starts figuring out her power and using it more. I love what she does with the Shadowhunters and the Downworlders. It’s really awesome and was about time. She has a lot of mixed feelings for boys in this book. She loves Jace, but he’s her brother. Sebastian is the only one who seems happy to see her in Alicante, no one else was particularly happy about it. Jace lies to keep her from going and she is pissed since she needed to go to help wake her mom up. So she gets help from Sebastian, who she doesn’t trust much after. She and Simon have called it quits in the last book, it was a good attempt but they are back to being best friends.More Magnus! God, could he be any more awesome?? Honestly, I love him to bits!I really liked how Valentine was finally taken care of, it was really awesome. He thought Clary was no threat, but she was the biggest to him! Everything about the end of this book was just great. It was wonderfully wrapped up. There was quite a bit of action going on in the end and things just ended up how they should have been from the beginning (then there would have been no story though). Cassandra Clare has gotten herself added to my must read authors list. I’m really looking forward to reading the next three books, even though I’ve heard they aren’t as good. I would rather judge it for myself! Definitely a series that everyone should check out!