So naturally, after finally reading and loving City of Bones, I had to pick up City of Ashes immediately. Yes, I loved this one as well. I don’t know what it is about Cassandra Clare’s writing style. But once again I just found myself absorbed in the book, unable to put it down. And yes, I did immediately pick up City of Glass after finishing this one. There are a few spoilers in here for the first book, so beware!I still really like Clary, she seems to always want to do the right thing. Plus she’s learning how to do some pretty cool things with her weird rune drawing abilities. She still loves Jace, even though they are now “eww” to be together. I can’t even believe that Cassandra went there, but she did. She did it amazingly though. Jace is still a complete arrogant jerk who loves his father, regardless of what he’s done. Poor Jace, he has father issues, but I can kind of understand it because I have a rocky relationship with my father and not matter what, I still love him. Then there is Simon. Poor guy who just can’t catch a break. Clary tries, she really does, but Simon wants more than she can give him. She did just have her heat ripped out by cruel circumstances though, so he should kind of allow her a breather. Then what happens to him in this book! Omgosh! I was sitting here thinking about how messed up the love triangle had gotten and wasn’t rooting for anyone.There is a lot more Magnus in this one *yay!*I’m rooting for him and Alec! Can I say how much I love that she puts in a gay relationship? It seems like a lot of fantasy books shy away from this, so it’s nice to see it added! I really didn’t like Alec in the first book, but I like him more now, clearly Magnus is doing something right to get rid of some of Alec’s angst ;)A lot happens in this book. Clary grows more as a character, gets more comfortable with her Shadowhunter self. There is a lot of action going on and Downworlders being murdered. You know the whole time it’s Valentine though. That guy, I swear, he needs to die! He is so racist! I hate him! I love how Clare can make me so emotional about characters!I also love how she can make me sit and read a book and drag it everywhere with me because I just can’t put it down. These aren’t short books and I’m reading them all in one day! Clearly she is doing something right! I have been adding these books to my recommendations list when people ask for some. How can I not with such amazing books? So if you haven’t read them yet, read them!